Saturday, July 1, 2006

Galleries and site news

Well, I have been working away at getting all my travel pictures into the computer. (finally... Only took 4 years... Sheesh)

Anyways, so while I have been doing that, I have also been working at getting my galleries going. For anybody who has accessed my site. It is pretty clear that this is still a work in progress.

Nevermind. I am still working on it. Along with a new site all about creating customized home theater PC solutions

My internship with Nortel Networks will end around August 25, 2006. So when that happens, I should be able to spend quite a bit more time working on these sites (and any number of other projects) so look for cool things to come.

I really encourage people to contact me and leave comments on this blog.

I am thinking of making a new page dedicated to email discussions that I have had relating to bike travel and general adventures. I really want to make this site a good resource for people looking for bike touring information.

Anyways, I'm going to do a bit of work on the site today so look for new content and new posts to this blog.

In completely unrelated news, I ran into a young couple biking across Canada yesterday at the gas station at the top of the hill just east of Gleichen, Alberta. They live in Vancouver and left to cross Canada from Newfoundland back to their home in British Columbia. Apparently they left April 29th, and probably should arrive home around July 15th.

Later for now.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Biker Clothing

Yet another page added to the site.

This time I am writing about my experiences with the various articles of clothing that I brought with me on my bike tour.

The one thing that I want to be very clear about is that, water proof clothing is simply not useful.

I guarantee that if it is raining and you decide to wear your water proof jacket and pants, you will still get wet. Probably your own sweat and heat will force you to take the darn stuff off and you will never wear it again.

Be warned.

Enjoy the new page though.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Bicycle Saddle Bags (Panniers) - New Page

After my the last page I wrote on Bike Trailers I thought I should also give my 2 cents on panniers as well.

I should note that during my 2002 bicycle trip I started off with just a trailer and a small accessory bag strapped to the frame on the back of my bike, but in Ottawa I borrowed some panniers for additional storage.

So my point?

If you are planning on doing a long distance bicycle touring trip, I recommend using a bike trailer, but if you need extra storage, by all means use a set of panniers. Just remember to balance the weighting between the two sides of the bike.


Tour Bike Trailers - New Page

I just wrote a small page about my experience and recommendations with tour bike trailers.

Also I included my opinions on the advantages of trailers versus the advantages of panniers.

Personally I recommend the BOB YAK trailer to any cycling adventurer ready to get into a bike tour, long or short.

Anyways, please enjoy the page.

Friday, May 12, 2006

More Content - Bike Touring Equipment

Now that things are more or less settled, I have started to add more content to the site. The Equipment page will be broken into a series of articles on the various pieces of gear that are necessary when doing a long distance loaded bicycle tour.

I wrote the first page towards this on touring bikes.

My next article will be about bike trailers and what to look for when purchasing one. For instance, the primary maker of touring bicycle trailers is B.O.B. and they make several types of trailer. On my jouney across Canada by bike, I took their COZ trailer. This turned out to be something of a poor choice because of several reasons.

Anyways, that's what is new. Please read the article and let me know your comments.

-Ted Bullock

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Bike Across Canada website now moved into production

So I finally moved the old website out of the way!

What's new?

Well for starters I at least have content or content stubs on each and every one of the pages on the site. Also I have been making progress with the Route Across Canada page.

Also I made a small page on the general quality of the highways in Canada.

In anycase, so far progress has been pretty good on the website. Certainly this blog tool will be useful in case I ever bike across the country again.

Visitors to the site are starting to pick up now that I am actually adding some useful content. I'm not certain if the site will ever be extremely successful but I do feel kinda obliged to document my journey, for myself and for all the people who supported me in Biking Across Canada.

So if you are reading this, then Thanks! I'm doing this for you and I hope you can make use of it.


Sunday, May 7, 2006

Biking Across Canada

Welcome one and all.

I finally got around to revamping my website on my trip across Canada that I completed in 2002. This is still in progress, but so far it has been a good learning process for me. Please read through the site and subscribe to my blog so you can know when I have added more content to the site.


Ted Bullock